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Revolutionize Shopping for Gift Cards with VeriCard

Experience the Future of Purchasing Gift Cards in the Digital Era. Get Started Today For Free.

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The App

Introducing VeriCard - The Future of Gift Card Management

Our App


Pre-Order now!

VeriCard offers a range of tools to help you manage all of your gift cards more efficiently in one space. To access of these tools at your disposal, we encourage you to download our app and get the premium gift card organization app on the planet! Scan the QR Code to the right in order to download our app on the App Store! If you are an Android user, search up "VeriCard" on the Google Play Store to download today as well! We hope you enjoy this amazing tool we have built for our customers!



Preview of the app

Although our app isn't a finished product and is still being built as you read this, we have made several app concept designs that we be very similar to what our app will look like once you install it! It will be very simple and intuitive to use as you can see! Upon installation, once you open the app you will get around the app via a tutorial to help clarify how to use our app correctly if you are having trouble!


These are general descriptions of some of the amazing features that our app has to offer!

Image by Jonas Leupe

Expiration Date

Never miss a gift card expiration date again! With our convenient notification system, you'll receive timely alerts reminding you when your gift cards are nearing expiration.

Person Checking Graphs on Smartphone


Easily check your gift card balances on the go! With just a few taps, access real-time updates on your remaining balances for all your gift cards. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to convenience.

Image by Bernard Hermant


With us, your gift card data remains confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized parties. Enjoy peace of mind as you manage your gift cards securely.

About Us

Our Mission

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Revolutionizing Gift Card Management

VeriCard was founded with the goal of enabling our customers to save money. Our mission is to provide gift card buyers with the digital tools they need to keep track of all their gift cards and never lose another gift card again!


What Our Customers Are Saying:

About Us

Hi! Meet the team here at VeriCard. As students running a startup coming out of the Lake Forest High School Business Incubator program, we wanted to think of ways make the everyday busy lives of other teenagers easier. By managing all your gift cards digitally in one spot, VeriCard will help reduce stress in keeping track of gift cards significantly. Here at VeriCard, we are dedicated to providing you with the best user experience possible. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns related to our product. The names of our staff members, their positions within our company, and their contact information are all provided below. We are happy to assist you with whatever you may need:)

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Quinn Brown, CEO

Quinn Brown, CEO

 âž¢ Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

 âž¢ Enjoys Golfing

 âž¢ Wants to study Finance or Entrepreneurship in college


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Miles Liebovich, CFO

Miles Liebovich, CFO

 âž¢ Chief Finance Club (CFO)

 âž¢ Enjoys Swimming in his free time

 âž¢ Wants to be the CFO of a major tech company one day

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Chloe Hvostik, COO

 âž¢ Chief Operating Officer (COO)

 âž¢ Wants to pursue nursing in college

 âž¢ Has visited Africa

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Lucas Kroner, CPO

 âž¢ Chief Product Officer (CPO)

 âž¢ Enjoys seeing friends

 âž¢ Wants to study Finance and Economics in college



Bria Mancuso, CMO

 âž¢ Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)

 âž¢ Owner of 4 dogs

 âž¢ Wants to study Law in college

"With a great product and a motivated team behind, the sky is the limit for VeriCard!"

Brennan Riley, age 19

“I really like this idea! it seems to have lots of potential with your loss of money on gift cards nationwide."

Lance Mitchell, age 61

“VeriCard has made managing all my gift cards so much easier. The platform is intuitive and easy to use, and the customer support is top-notch.”

William Quigley, age 18

For Any Assistance or Questions, Please Reach Out:

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